If you've found your way to this page, via an advert or otherwise, perhaps you recognise yourself or someone you know in one of the photographs below? (Click on an image to enlarge it.)
These photos are taken from architectural renders: computer-generated images made by architects to visualise buildings when they're designing them. They often place people in the images to get a sense of scale and use (see examples below).
I am looking for people who, knowingly or unknowingly, have appeared in these images. If you recognise yourself or someone you know in one of these images, please, get in touch. All private information will be respected.
The photographs above were taken in a city in the United States, possibly in Albuquerque, New Mexico, possibly in Las Vegas, Nevada, probably in the late 1990s. (Read an account of a field trip to Albuquerque in 2013 which explored this theory.)
The photographs below were gathered from promotional hoardings in cities including London, New York, Sydney, Melbourne, Paris, Berlin, and elsewhere in 2012-2017. The identity of the subjects is also unknown. You can also view the original photographs from which these are taken. In 2017, a selection were displayed on billboards in East London.
Above: an architectural rendering of the new Whitney Museum in New York, USA, photographed in November 2012, featuring members of the first group.
Above: an architectural rendering of developments at Waterloo Station in London, UK, photographed in May 2013, featuring members of the first group.
Above: an architectural rendering of a development at Kew Bridge in London, UK, photographed in May 2013, featuring members of the second group.
Above: advertisement placed in Albuquerque Journal, October 2013. Read more about this.
Above: billboards displayed in East London, March-July 2017. Read more about this.
This is a project by James Bridle